Workshop Style Direction


The BFA-Milan Workshops,proposed with the formula1-Day full immersionin modules of6or8 hours of training, sThey are configured specifically for beauty professionals and operators (Make-Up Artists, Beauticians, Makeup Artists, etc.) who intend to review, perfect or deepen some particular technical aspects of make-up, or wish to integrate and implement their training and professional skillson certain specific topics.
They constitute a periodic reference for your step-by-step updating and professional growth, and an essential appointment to always be in step with the times, with the latest make-up trends, and in the front row of the releases of new products.

They complete the training offer Preview and exclusive events in collaboration
with the most important brands of make-up products, presentations of new collections and
Refresher MasterClasses reserved for BFA-Milan customers.

The courses are limited in number (max 10 students) and always include theoretical lessons and practical demonstrations by teachers on models, with the use exclusively of professional products.

3-DAYS Full Immersion 29/30/31 MARZO 2019

3-day full immersion course, created and offered exclusively by
Beauty Fashion Academy Milan and Haute Future Fashion Academy
and in
collaboration with
MAC Cosmetics Italy
dedicated to the professional figure of STYLE DIRECTOR, that is, the person who leads the team of Stylists, Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists for the visual execution of fashion shows, editorial campaigns, and everything connected to visual communication.
Its role, strategic and fundamental, can range across all creative sectors of fashion and beauty, making it one of the most sought after and sought after by the global Fashion System today.
Main Topics Covered

Who is it Style Director? He is a leader, an increasingly important professional key figure, who inspires, develops and creates sophisticated, high fashion creations.
that is, the person who leads the team of Stylists, Make-Up Artists and Hair Stylists for the visual execution of fashion shows, editorial campaigns, and everything connected to visual communication.
Its role, strategic and fundamental, can range across all creative sectors of fashion and beauty, making it one of the most sought after and sought after by the global Fashion System today.
The Style Director leads the team Stylist, Make-Up Artist And Hair Stylist for the visual execution of fashion shows, editorial campaigns, and everything connected to visual communication. Its role, strategic and fundamental, can range across all creative sectors of fashion and beauty, resulting today one of the most coveted and sought after by the Fashion System global.
The term "Styling" refers to that process whose aim is to make any object or subject more beautiful. This process is structured by numerous paths and can vary depending on the many contexts to which it can be applied - editorial or video photography, Brand Consulting, Image Consulting, Personal Advisoring, Visual Merchandising - where the common denominator is the search for beauty, achieved through a creative path that draws inspiration from the contemporary world, from knowledge of the past and from artistic vision, interpreted with personality and aesthetic harmony. The objective of the Workshop is to present the figure of Style Director providing the first knowledge to create a structured and powerful "self-branding", enriched by the specific "know-how" transmitted during the course days relating to Beauty And Styling, and completed by the appropriate "visual marketing" to communicate it, through the creation of the professional Photo Book scheduled on the third day.

DAY - 1

Make-Up - Hair Style

La prima giornata fornisce tutti gli elementi per acquisire cultura specifica in merito al Beauty Look, con focus specifico su trucco e acconciatura, visualizzando gli stilemi che hanno fatto la storia della moda e la conseguente evoluzione del concetto di bellezza fino alla sua espressione contemporanea, analizzando il make-up e l’hair look che sono stati la chiave dell’identificazione prima, e del successo poi, delle più prestigiose case di moda, e delle icone che ne sono state interpreti. Conoscere le avanguardie creative, il linguaggio artistico adottato e le tecniche applicative specifiche consente di ricreare o interpretare personalmente e con consapevolezza un mood, un trend o un total look in linea con le esigenze di stile e comunicazione di una campagna pubblicitaria, di una sfilata, o per creare una “brand identity” originale e vincente, operando da protagonista nel mercato attuale.  

DAY - 2


The second day offers a full immersion in visual communication through the study of image and the development of style. in order to offer those tools essential for personal or company success.

The course aims to stimulate the participant's imagination and provide the tools to compose a very personal "cahier" of inspirations, a sort of archive of original visions constantly updated and contextual to one's area of interest (personal, corporate, professional or aspirational). ).

The ideal objective of the workshop will be to provide the knowledge for the creation of a structured and effective "self-branding"; suggest an original on an individual level
"know-how", its own "packaging" and the appropriate "visual marketing" to communicate it.

DAY - 3


Practical Make-up exercises,
Hair & Fashion Styling, concluding with a professional photoshoot session in order to create useful material for enriching the participants' portfolio.

After successfully completing the Workshop, students will receive the photos of the shoot with the rights of use in their personal Portfolio together with the Certificate of Attendance.

Make-Up Artist 

Find out more about Paola

Make-Up Artist

Find out more about Franco Felice


Il Workshop è rivolto a Professionisti freelancers nei settori della Bellezza e della Moda

• Make Up Artists • Hair Designers • 
• Image Consultants • Stylists • Photographers •
• Fashion Influencers • Fashion Designers •

Prelazione per iscrizione 
ai possessori di Membership Card BFA-Milano
 Al termine del Workshop viene rilasciato:

• ATTESTATO Personale di frequenza e partecipazione 
 • FOTO dei look realizzati con i diritti di utilizzo nel Portfolio personale

Costo del Workshop  € 700,00 Iva compresa
Orario Lezioni: 10:00 - 17:00 (pausa pranzo dalle 13.00 alle 14:00)

Theoretical lessons and demonstrations on models
edited byBFA-Milan and Haute Future Fashion Academy teachers
Products Professional make-up, Models and consumables are provided by the Academy.

Sede del Workshop
Haute Future Fashion Academy - Via Santa Marta 18, 20123 Milano


E' possibile iscriversi direttamente online compilando l'apposito Form oppure via email, oppure stampando e inviando il modulo di iscrizione compilato e firmato insieme alla copia del versamento della quota di acconto di € 300,00 tramite PayPal o bonifico bancario a:


BFA-Milansupports and supports the professional in their activity,
integrating or completing their training through a targeted and diversified educational offer in terms of objectives, specialization, duration and frequency.
The high level of customization of the courses available allows you to satisfy any professional need, whether it involves updating your skills and preparation to constantly keep up with the market, or whether you intend to accelerate or upgrade your career by specializing in areas of particular importance and in which the demand for specific professional figures is constantly growing, such as the fashion sector,
advertising and visual communication.
It is also possible to request and configure courses privately,with personalized training programs and attendance availablefor individual students or professionals and for companies, beauty shops, perfumeries, beauty salons, beauty centers and franchising chains.
BFA-Milan is present in the most important international fashion and design events in Milan,
and is a partner of the main brands of Make-Up and Skin Care products, reserving for its customers exclusive events and presentations, dedicated MasterClasses and the affiliation Membership Card for one year.
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