Corso Make-Up Beauty Advanced

Formazione e Alta Specializzazione Professionale nel centro di Milano per Truccatori, Visagisti, Consulenti di Bellezza, Estetiste, Hair Stylist, Fashion Stylist e Fashion Designer.

Con sede e showroom nello storico Palazzo Cusini, nel cuore di Milano, a pochi passi da Piazza San Babila, dal Duomo e dal Quadrilatero della Moda, Beauty Fashion Academy rappresenta un prestigioso riferimento nella Formazione e Alta Specializzazione Professionale.
Tutti i Corsi sono a numero chiuso, e prevedono un numero massimo di 10 partecipanti per classe.
In un ambiente elegante e raffinato, BFA-Milano dispone di un'aula per lezioni pratiche con 6 postazioni trucco, un'aula dedicata ai corsi individuali con una postazione trucco, scrivania e monitor; sono inoltre disponibili ulteriori aulee da 6 e 14 posti con monitor e maxi-schermo per Workshop e lezioni didattiche, e studi fotografici convenzionati, per un'offerta formativa completa in ogni settore.
Master di Specializzazione per MUA Pro, Corsi di Formazione, Workshop a tema.

La programmazione didattica prevede Corsi Modulari a frequenza periodica, Master di Specializzazione full-immersion, Workshop formativi, Corsi Individuali One-to-One a frequenza libera, 
Corsi Privati con programmi didattici personalizzati.

Corso Make-Up Beauty Advanced

A 3-day Upgrade Coursededicated to professionals who want to increase their cultural and technical knowledge in the field, and to all those who have already completed a basic course and wish to integrate or complete their professional training,in order to better deal with the more complex situations encountered with work experience. The educational path will in fact focus on dissecting all the most complex technical and practical aspects linked to professional make-up: from the study to the solutions for the most insidious morphologies, to the correction techniques to minimize obvious blemishes and asymmetries (eyes that are too deep-set, protruding or with completely engulfed or particularly loose eyelid crease, skin discolouration, vitiligo, dark circles and insidious bags). Starting from the application of the foundation, we will show the most effective method still used by the great masters of make-up to create perfect bases without overloading the product, which involves mixing greasy and fluid foundations with the primary colours, in order to obtain foundations and concealers personalized. All make-up and fixing techniques will be illustrated and presented, listing the strengths and weaknesses of each one, in order to provide a complete overview that will allow you to choose the method which, added to previous knowledge, will best adapt to each individual working circumstance, and to the own style. The methods of applying the products (both fat and powder) will be analyzed to manage any accumulations and material excesses in the "at risk" areas such as eyelid creases and expression wrinkles, as well as the tricks for using effective make-up even on more mature skin. (antiaging makeup). The correct use of the eyelash curler, and all the advanced techniques to correct the shape of the eye both with artificial eyelashes and with glues, will allow you to obtain surprising results even on the most complex morphologies and skin. We will also demonstrate advanced techniques for applying chiaroscuro to shape the eyes and face, and the correct method for fixing with water. Particular attention will also be dedicated to the correction of the lips with relative study of the planes, in order to create a sinuous design even in the case of important changes in the shape (enlargement and reduction), and on the filling and reconstruction of the eyebrow with the hair technique to hair that will allow you to build the eyebrow arch entirely or partially, guaranteeing a natural result that is always highly appreciated in situations that require considerable make-up. The teachers will also be available to interact with the students, who will be able to ask targeted questions in order to clarify their doubts or perplexities, perhaps relating to personal work experiences, or any gaps deriving from previous courses.

At the end of the course the following is issued:
• Certified of attendance and participation in the Master
Book Photos of the works carried out in the Academy.
• Membership Card staff lasting one year to access exclusive and preferential conditions for the Specialization Masters, Courses and Workshops of BFA Milano, and purchase of Make-Up products.

Cost for the 3-day Master's course is €850.00 including VAT
A Book of professional photographs and a Make-Up Product Kit for each Student are included.
Course with limited number of participants - Number of Participants: Min 4 / Max 12
Class schedule: from 9:00 to 18:00 (lunch break 13:00/14:00)
Products Professional make-up, the Models and consumables are provided by the Academy, the Students must bring their own brushes and applicators with them.
Limited number of courses - Number of Participants: Min.4 / Max 12

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