MasterClass INGLOT


The BFA-Milan Workshops, proposed with the formula 1-Day full immersion in modules of 6or8 hours of training, sThey are configured specifically for beauty professionals and operators (Make-Up Artists, Beauticians, Makeup Artists, etc.) who intend to review, perfect or deepen some particular technical aspects of make-up, or wish to integrate and implement their training and professional skillson certain specific topics.
They constitute a
periodic reference
for your step-by-step updating and professional growth, and an essential appointment to always be in step with the times, with the latest make-up trends, and in the front row of the releases of new products.

They complete the training offer
Preview and exclusive events
in collaboration
with the most important brands of make-up products, presentations of new collections and
Refresher MasterClasses reserved for BFA-Milan customers.

The courses are limited in number (max 10 students) and always include theoretical lessons and practical demonstrations by the teachers on models, with the use exclusively of professional products.

1-DAY Full Immersion

Principali Argomenti Trattati

BFA-Milano e INGLOT presentano una Masterclass esclusiva che mette in stretto contatto i truccatori di oggi e di domani con i Senior Make-Up Artist di INGLOT COSMETICS tra cui OMAR TURRINI, per vedere lavorare dal vivo i professionisti del settore che sveleranno in un evento riservato tutti i loro segreti per ottenere le migliori performance dai prodotti più utilizzati dai Make-Up Artist internazionali, attraverso la realizzazione di un look sensuale ed accattivante per racchiudere il concetto di glamour in ogni sua sfaccettatura, ed apprendere una nuova interpretazione di uno stile da sempre bagaglio indispensabile di ogni operatore della bellezza. 
Grazie alle dimostrazioni eseguite su modelle, si avrà l'opportunità di conoscere la visione e le tecniche più utilizzate per un Make-Up glamour e contemporaneo in auge nella moda, nelle pubblicità e nelle riviste di settore, raccontate direttamente da chi crea e interpreta i trend del momento nei più importanti palcoscenici internazionali.
L'evento costituisce un’eccellente opportunità professionale di formazione e aggiornamento, che racchiude un’experience completa per confrontarsi direttamente con i MUA rappresentanti uno dei Brand più prestigiosi e innovativi del mercato, amplificare il proprio bagaglio tecnico e professionale, conoscere le anteprime in arrivo toccando con mano i prodotti presentati e utilizzati nella lezione con la possibilità di avere vantaggi esclusivi e riservati. 
Il Workshop è rivolto a Professionisti del settore, Make-Up Artist, Visagisti, Estetiste, Consulenti/Operatori di Profumeria e allievi di Scuole/Accademie di Make-Up ed Estetica
• Prelazione per iscrizione ai possessori di Membership Card BFA-Milano
At the end of the Workshop the following will be released:

Attested of attendance and participation
Gift of products ENGLISH complimentary
Membership Card staff lasting one year to access exclusive and preferential conditions for BFA Milano Courses, Masters and Workshops, and for the purchase of Make-Up products.

Cost for the one-day workshop €100.00 including VAT
Course with limited number of participants - Number of Participants: Min 4 / Max 10
Lesson time: 10:00 - 17:00(lunch break from 1.00pm to 2.00pm)

Download the Registration Form


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BFA-Milansupports and supports the professional in their activity,
integrating or completing their training through a targeted and diversified educational offer in terms of objectives, specialization, duration and frequency.
The high level of customization of the courses available allows you to satisfy any professional need, whether it involves updating your skills and preparation to constantly keep up with the market, or whether you intend to accelerate or upgrade your career by specializing in areas of particular importance and in which the demand for specific professional figures is constantly growing, such as the fashion sector,
advertising and visual communication.
It is also possible to request and configure courses privately,with personalized training programs and attendance availablefor individual students or professionals and for companies, beauty shops, perfumeries, beauty salons, beauty centers and franchising chains.
BFA-Milan is present in the most important international fashion and design events in Milan,
and is a partner of the main brands of Make-Up and Skin Care products, reserving for its customers exclusive events and presentations, dedicated MasterClasses and the affiliation Membership Card for one year.
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