Masterclass Colored Make-Up

Affina la tua capacità di selezionare e combinare colori

in modo armonioso!


1-DAY Full Immersion


Esplora il mondo dei colori a 360°: entra nel regno della creatività cromatica, impara ad abbinare i colori con maestrìa e apprendi le regole creative e tecniche per abbinamenti cromatici efficaci in grado di valorizzare l’immagine complessiva.

Live a unique experience to discover the power of colors in makeup

and transform your artistic practice!


Advanced Colorful Makeup Techniques:

  • Insight into the latest color trends
  • Using vibrant pigments and bold colors

Study of Color Pairings:

  • Analysis of shades and chromatic harmonies
  • Creation of customized palettes for every occasion

Creating Vibrant and Expressive Looks:

  • Practical application of the techniques learned
  • Advice on how to adapt looks to the client's individuality

Further information:

  • Bright Colors and Their Meaning:
  • Discover the psychological meaning of colors and how they influence emotions.
  • Creative Use of Textures and Gradients:
  • Explore the effect of textures and shades in the boldest and most innovative makeup looks.
  • Bold Looks for Every Occasion:
  • From the catwalk to special occasions: learn to personalize your looks for every context.

At the end of the Masterclass, students will be able to:

  • Create colorful make-up suitable for every occasion, deepening the techniques to create lively looks that are adaptable to various situations.

  • Correctly match colors and contrasts, learning the art of combining colors and contrasts based on the specific objectives of the work.

Lezione teorica e dimostrazione su modella a cura dei Docenti BFA-Milano

I prodotti Make-Up professionali, le Modelle e i materiali di consumo sono forniti dall'Accademia.


The lesson is aimed at professionals in the sector, Make-Up Artists, Make-Up Artists, Beauticians, Perfumery Consultants/Operators and students of Make-Up and Aesthetics Schools/Academies


Al termine della lezione viene rilasciato:


personale di frequenza e partecipazione 

Costo per la Masterclass di una giornata

€ 130,00 Iva compresa

Costo con iscrizione contemporanea a due o più Masterclass BFA-Milano

€ 100,00 Iva compresa

Lezione a numero chiuso -

Numero Massimo Partecipanti: 15

Orario Lezione: 10:00 - 17:00

(pausa pranzo dalle 13.00 alle 14:00)


E' possibile iscriversi compilando l'apposito Form ed effettuando il versamento della quota di partecipazione pagabile tramite bonifico bancario utilizzando le coordinate indicate, oppure direttamente online con Carta di Credito/PayPal.

BFA-MILANO utilizza nei propri corsi i principali e più noti libri di testo in ambito make-up. Sono inoltre sempre disponibili per gli allievi, gratuitamente e su prenotazione, ulteriori testi didattici di Trucco, Moda, Storia del costume, Fotografia, Cosmetologia, Comunicazione, oltre a tutte le più importanti riviste di riferimento del settore. Nelle lezioni vengono sempre utilizzati sia i prodotti specifici per il trucco professionale che quelli più noti a livello commerciale, bio e vegan inclusi, per la massima efficacia didattica e formativa in funzione delle rispettive, specifiche caratteristiche che li differenziano (composizione, INCI, performance, modalità di applicazione, ambito di utilizzo).


BFA-MILAN supports and supports the professional in their activity,

integrating or completing their training through a targeted and diversified educational offer in terms of objectives, specialization, duration and frequency.

The high level of customization of the courses available allows you to satisfy any professional need, whether it involves updating your skills and preparation to constantly keep up with the market, or whether you intend to accelerate or upgrade your career by specializing in areas of particular importance and in which the demand for specific professional figures is constantly growing, such as the fashion sector,

advertising and visual communication.

It is also possible to request and configure courses privately, with personalized training programs and attendance, available for individual students or professionals and for companies, beauty shops, perfumeries, beauty salons, beauty centers and franchise chains.

BFA-MILAN is present in the most important international fashion and design events in Milan,

and is a partner of the main brands of Make-Up and Skin Care products, reserving for its customers exclusive events and presentations, dedicated MasterClasses and the affiliation Membership Card for one year.

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