Fashion Makeup Experience


BFA-MILAN develops and carries out specific and exclusive training courses for schools, academies, training institutes, companies and professionals



Fashion Make-Up Experience

Full-immersion training program in Fashion Make-Up exclusively for your students

This educational format allows homogeneous groups of students from other schools to carry out a training course (specialization or refresher course) in Fashion Make-Up directly and exclusively at our offices, located in center of Milan and in the heart of the famous Fashion Quadrilateral , experiencing an engaging and rewarding full-immersion training experience.

The program is offered in two training modules respectively

3 days


Specialization course

) And

2 days


Update workshop

), and is aimed at providing the knowledge and culture necessary to work as

Make-Up Artist

for fashion shows and editorials, starting from the concept and dynamics of the backstage, up to the interpretation, management and execution of customer requests. The BFA-Milan teachers, professionals active in the sector, in an excursus between theoretical lessons and practical demonstrations, will provide their professional experience on the topic, for a first real contact with a fascinating world, made up of rules and canons often in stark contrast with the philosophy and concept of beauty as we are used to knowing it.

Naturally, depending on the needs, the preparation of the students (mandatory

at least 100 hours

of training in Beauty Makeup), of any indications from the partner school, the configuration of the modules may undergo variations, additions or modifications, both in the content of the educational program and in the overall duration, in order to adhere and integrate perfectly with the training path previously undertaken, and the educational purposes pursued.

Nei Corsi sono sempre previste:

Lessons theories in the classroom

Lessons classroom practices

Demonstrations Teachers' practices on models

Exercises students' practices on models

Shooting photographs of the work carried out in the classroom

Disponibili su richiesta:

• Inserimento lezioni di Fashion Hair Styling

Realizzazione di un concept da parte degli allievi con modella, stylist e fotografo e shooting fotografico professionale del lavoro effettuato in Studio Fotografico

Realizzazione di un concept da parte degli allievi con modella, abiti, stylist e fotografo svolto in Showroom nel Quadrilatero della moda e shooting fotografico professionale del lavoro effettuato, 

con scatti in Showroom e in esterni

Visite su appuntamento in alcuni showroom del Quadrilatero della Moda

E' inoltre possibile (a discrezione della Scuola partner, e previa valutazione e accettazione di BFA-Milano) valutare l'inserimento di alcuni studenti particolarmente meritevoli all'interno del nostro 

Team di Make-Up Artist , per partecipare o assistere in prima persona alla realizzazione di performance in occasioni di particolari eventi e/o significative esperienze professionali quali ad esempio sfilate di moda durante le edizioni della Milan Fashion Week , della Milan Design Week , presentazione di collezioni moda, collaborazioni con Accademie di Fashion Design, editoriali moda.

At the end of the courses the following is issued:

Attestato di frequenza e partecipazione, recante i loghi della Scuola partner e di BFA-MILANO, le firme dei nostri Docenti e della Direzione di entrambe

Book foto dei lavori eseguiti in Accademia complete di post-produzione

Book foto dei lavori eseguiti in Studio fotografico o in Showroom (quando presenti).

Expected number of students:

• Min 6 • Max 12

Class schedule:

9:00 - 13:00 / 14:00 - 18:00

Lesson locations:

Via Durini 9


For further information and requests for quotes, fill out the contact form


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