A perfect Make-Up for a perfect shot!
Make-Up professionals, Art Directors and Photographers will make their know-how and experience available on national and international sets and backstages to share in synergy with each other the winning strategies and their wealth of knowledge and information, for a unique and incredibly complete didactic experience, developed in 2 days of theoretical and practical tutoring 1 day of work experience in a photographic studio, to take part in the step by step development of the work on the set: from the organization of the workstation to the executive phase of the shot.
The synergy between professionals in the world of photography and professional make-up will be explored in depth in 3 immersive and interactive meetings to get to the heart of the dynamics linked to the photographic set and the creation of an image, to allow you to create a truly functional to the current and multiple needs of the "perfect shot", with increasingly high-performance and sophisticated devices.
Starting from the study of the types of light up to consistency with the concept of the work; from the most functional products to those to avoid, combined with the various make-up methodologies in compliance with the right timing, we will arrive at the construction of a lens-proof make-up look, functional both for the web and for posters.
Three days of theoretical lessons and practical demonstrations to learn the most effective make-up techniques to use for photo shoots of all kinds, and discover all the secrets for obtaining a perfect base with make-up and optimal make-up performance in photography, even on the more complex skin, obtaining compact, luminous and natural bases starting from the foundation application technique based on the type of products up to the demonstration of the method for obtaining customized foundations and concealers based on the specific types of discolouration and imperfections (dark circles, bags, acne etc.).
The Master will end with the exclusive creation of a photo shoot in the studio complete with sequential look changes.
Gli iscritti affronteranno un excursus delle nozioni base della fotografia, distinguendo i vari tipi di luce, i tagli fotografici, e tutti gli elementi che influenzano la resa del lavoro, al fine di acquisire tutti gli imput e le competenze per interagire consapevolmente su un set fotografico, e per evitare errori o inadempienze che potrebbero compromettere il risultato finale.
Lo studio della reazione e dell’influenza delle luci e delle ombre sul volto, la costruzione del set fotografico, la post produzione, i tagli fotografici e le scelte d’illuminazione in base al mood e alla richieste del committente, la gestione del lavoro sui set fotografici in esterni e interni, le tipologie di luce e di illuminazione consigliate per gli scatti beauty e per mettere in risalto le qualità tecniche del trucco e dell'acconciatura, sono i pilastri portanti di un programma formativo dedito a creare maggiore consapevolezza possibile in materia, al fine di permettere l'instaurazione e il consolidamento di sinergie e rapporti professionali di successo, con fotografi ed operatori tecnici del settore.
Main Topics Covered
Photographic Makeup
Among the main topics covered, particular attention will be paid to the basic notions of photography which, in addition to allowing you to interact in an optimal way with photographers, will help you to independently portray your own works, in order to present them at their best even when it is not the support of a professional specialized in the subject is possible.
The course days include both theoretical teaching lessons by the teachers and practical exercises by the students on models provided by the Academy, with photos of the work carried out.
Make-Up Artist, Visagisti, Estetiste, con qualifica professionale o adeguata formazione accademica in trucco base/correttivo.
Prelazione per iscrizione ai possessori di Membership Card BFA-Milano
• Attestato di frequenza e partecipazione al Corso e di Aggiornamento Professionale
• Foto dei lavori eseguiti dagli allievi su modelle
Costo per 3 giornate: € 1.000,00 Iva compresa
Incluso Kit Prodotti Make-Up professionali
Corso a numero chiuso - Numero Partecipanti Max 10
Course times : 9.30am - 1pm / 2.30pm - 6.30pm
The extra Kit professional Make-Up products, the Models and the consumables are supplied by the Academy.
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