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and the Course of excellence by Beauty Fashion Academy ,

and it is the most complete and prestigious among those proposed by the Academy.

Its main focus is the introduction to the profession of Make-Up Artist professional with professional specialization in the sector of Fashionof publications Editorials, from the Advertising and of Communication visual, promoting the training of Image Designer with a high quality level of preparation and technical specialization and in possession of the best training requirements, essential elements to be able to operate with competence and success in one of the working sectors of greater national and international prominence and visibility - with constant demand for highly qualified Make-Up Artists - and greater commercial growth , building your professional career from Milan to the rest of the world. Divided into two complementary and consecutive teaching modules (complete MUA course specialization in Fashion Make-Up), the educational program developed through the exclusive teaching method of BFA-Milan provides training which, starting from solid academic foundations with theoretical lessons, practical exercises and a direct approach with professionals in the sector, provides the student with best training to carry out contemporary professional make-up, refined and of quality, addressing all the stylistic and technical aspects related to Professional Fashion Makeup and to Visual Communication.



"L'obiettivo principale della scuola è quello di creare uomini che sono capaci di fare cose nuove, e non semplicemente ripetere quello che altre generazioni hanno fatto." (Jean Piaget)

Expressive language

and communicative nature of fashion has always been in constant evolution, and is often a precursor of methods and trends that find their maximum exposure during the Fashion Week in their various editions, and in editorial publications of the sector, often a true creative avant-garde.

As a result of the pandemic and the inevitable use of digital platforms, the adoption of "virtual" has accelerated in the last year: years of progress were achieved in just a few months,

marking a clear boundary between the representation of "pre" and "post" Covid-19 fashion.

Even with the hoped-for return to normality and in-person events, in the coming years fashion operators will consolidate and optimize the online experience across all channels (in addition to fashion films and videos for the web and the boom in e-commerce, think of the spread of live streaming and social shopping) which will be increasingly used making the visual communication the even more focal center of the representation of a brand, a stylist or a designer.

But not only that: the evolutionary drive also fully affects the world of fashion beauty, always careful to grasp and often anticipate the use of new platforms and digital tools, in which the advent of augmented reality will mark an important new step for the cosmetic divisions of companies for the dissemination of skills relating to make-up and skincare, as well as for the interactive and virtual promotion of new collection products, often associated with fashion seasons.

All this represents a great opportunity for evolution and affirmation also for professionals Make-Up, called to interpret in an even more incisive and qualitative way the renewed creative challenges of the near future of fashion and beauty as real

"image designer".

To fully grasp the great potential of the market and develop a successful career plan in the fashion sector, it will be even more important to possess the requirements technical competence and professionalism of an adequate level, which include a broad knowledge of all aspects of contemporary make-up, from the indispensable and fundamental basic rules to the creation of works "digital first", in which the integration between natural talent and creative vision finds infinite possibilities of expression thanks to the growing demand for specialized professional figures, with the possibility of employment in all the main areas of the sector.


di Master di Specializzazione Professionale in Fashion Make-Up,

il Corso conferisce le competenze tecniche e la cultura necessaria a lavorare come

Make-Up Artist per sfilate di moda, editoriali, lookbook, e-commerce e pubblicità, partendo dal concept e dalle dinamiche di backstage, fino ad arrivare all’interpretazione, gestione ed esecuzione delle richieste dei clienti e/o dei committenti. Tecnica manuale, esigenze stilistiche, organizzazione del lavoro e delle postazioni, la conoscenza delle figure chiave con le quali si entrerà in contatto sul posto di lavoro, sono solo alcuni dei punti determinanti che verranno approfonditi dai Docenti, che metteranno a disposizione la loro esperienza professionale in materia per un approfondito contatto con un mondo affascinante, fatto di regole e canoni storici ma a volte anche in netto contrasto con la filosofia di bellezza così come siamo abituati a conoscerla. Il programma didattico prevede inoltre nozioni di Cosmetologia per lavorare con competenza e sicurezza su tutti i tipi di pelle, di Armocromia per il Make-Up, oltre a lezioni introduttive all’ Hair Styling al fine di acquisire tutti gli elementi indispensabili per lavorare con competenza e professionalità a 360°. Ulteriori aspetti tecnici e relazionali legati alla professione del Make-Up Artist saranno trattati e approfonditi con i moduli relativi al trucco digitale, alla comunicazione e al social media marketing, indispensabili per iniziare o rafforzare il proprio percorso professionale con tutti gli elementi chiave per proporsi e presentarsi in modo corretto, efficace e professionale ad Agenzie, Aziende, Redazioni e Fotografi  ed essere protagonisti nell'esigente e competitivo mercato attuale del settore.

Al termine del Corso, gli allievi che volessero implementare ulteriormente il loro percorso formativo e il proprio bagaglio tecnico potranno accedere a ulteriori specifici pacchetti integrativi didatticamente studiati per essere ideale complemento di quanto già appreso durante il corso, con condizioni di accesso prioritarie fortemente agevolate e riservate in esclusiva. 

Per un' immediata ed efficace presenza nel mondo del lavoro, oltre alle qualifiche conseguite e alle certificazioni ottenute sarà possibile inoltre creare e configurare direttamente la propria personale  "Brand Identity", mediante la realizzazione del sito web personale, degli account professionali relativi ai principali Social Network, della promozione del proprio profilo professionale e dello sviluppo del piano carriera.


from 25 OCTOBER 2021


Professional Specialization Fashion Make-Up


The Professional Specialization Module

in Fashion Make-Up included in the course provides, in an educational excursus with theoretical lessons in the classroom, practical exercises on models, support of the main computer programs for the optimization of images on PC and iPad Pro, all the fundamental tools to help students acquire the skills necessary to interpret, through facial make-up, the mood of fashion shows and photo shoots, training professional figures capable of mastering the dynamics of Fashion Business with complete skills, ranging from knowledge of professional dynamics to the study of different makeup techniques and styles, from learning and understanding mood boards to the different light settings that regulate each work context, ready to work in symbiosis with Art Director, Fashion Designer, Stylist And Photographers for creating a look consistent with the message you want to convey fashion events (in presence, live streaming and digital) , in catalog images, lookbooks, advertising, and in fashion editorials.

The trends of the moment, the looks that have made the history of fashion, the evolutionary timelines and the background will be illustrated and analyzed in depth, interpreted during the lessons and also through the creation of photo shoots on set with photographer, stylist and models on realized concepts by the students, with the production of professional shots complete with post-production useful for creating their own photo book and/or increasing their personal portfolio.

The educational program also includes the integration of special events with the presence and interventions in the classroom of

Fashion Make-Up Artist


Hair Stylist

of international fame and experience,

Fashion photographers, stylists, fashion designers, brand ambassadors, make-up influencers

, owners and/or representatives of


manufacturers of Make-Up and Cosmetic products,

who will meet and interact with the students in specific lessons, and the possibility for the students to experience in a team and directly "in the field" a

"Professional Experience"


Milan Fashion Week


Milan Design Week,

an integral part of the training course


as the main professional reference events in the world capital city of Fashion and Design.

BFA-MILAN will follow the students of Course

PRO-FASHION even beyond the diploma, with


Update workshop


for a year on new Fashion Make-Up trends.


PERSONAL KIT Professional Make-Up Products Applicators, Accessories, T-Shirts

ACADEMY KIT Professional Make-Up Products Accessories

LESSONStheoretical and practical exercises in the classroom and photographic studios

● MODELS diversified by type

Personal USB KEY with teaching notes, technical material, make-up sheets and face chart

ACCESSand I use Make-Up, Cosmetology, Fashion and Photography textbooks

MATERIALS of consumption

SUPPORT Teaching on professional sets

TWO WORKSHOPS free updates in Fashion Make-Up for one year


START Monday 25 OCTOBER 2021


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday - From 9:00 to 18:00 with lunch break from 13:00 to 14:00

BFA-Milano uses the main and most well-known make-up textbooks in its courses. Furthermore, further educational texts on Make-up, Fashion, History of Costume, Photography, Cosmetology, Communication, as well as all the most important reference magazines in the sector are always available to students, free of charge and upon reservation. In the lessons, both specific products for professional make-up and those best known on a commercial level are always used, including organic and vegan, for maximum teaching and training effectiveness based on the respective, specific characteristics that differentiate them (composition, INCI, performance, method of application, scope of use).



Fashion film realizzato dal team BFA-Milano con gli studenti del Corso Pro-Fashion 2020/21


Alcune Cover realizzate con gli studenti del Corso Pro-Fashion BFA-Milano


CERTIFIEDby Make-Up Artist

EXCLUSIVE Master Certificate Fashion Make-Up

BOOK Photos of the work carried out in the Academy and of the shooting carried out during the exam

LETTERof professional presentation for Make-Up / Hair Service Agencies

PORTFOLIO Photo additional on concept created by the student

EXCLUSIVE COUPON staff with priority access at discounted and exclusive conditions to supplementary training packages (50% discount on Advanced Hair Styling / Art Make-Up / Web Package)


è riservato esclusivamente a persone seriamente motivate

ad intraprendere un importante percorso formativo e una successiva carriera lavorativa in qualità di  Make-Up Artist professionista, con spiccate ed elevate capacità professionali specifiche nei settori della Moda, degli editoriali, della pubblicità e della comunicazione visiva. 

Per la migliore efficacia didattica, l'attenzione al singolo Allievo e l'elevata specializzazione dal programma svolto, la classe è a numero chiuso l'iscrizione al Corso è sempre subordinata ad un colloquio conoscitivo.


with achievement

BFA-Milan certificate and Fashion Make-Up Specialization Master

Free Lance Make-Up Artist / Makeup Artist / Makeup Artist activity

Make-Up and Hair Service Agencies

Communication / Advertising / Marketing Agencies

Editorial Publications / Press

Fashion and Haute Couture shows

Previews / Presentations / Fashion Events

Shooting Fashion / Beauty / ADV

Brand Ambassadors

Beauty Consultant

Beauty Influencers

Beauty Content Creator

Backstage Cinema / TV / Video

Private Lookmaker / Luxury Service




Reservations are open

If you want to book an interview at the Academy,

you can make an appointment whenever you prefer,

to have all the necessary time at your disposal, with the guarantee of maximum discretion.

You can book by contacting us directly via email or by filling out the appropriate form indicating the most convenient day and time for you.

For the month of August, online interviews on the Google Meet platform are also possible and can be booked using the same methods. It will again be possible to book on-site interviews from Monday 6 September 2021.



info@beautyfashionacademy.it - 390282874595 / 393662797461



(reserved for those who have already had an interview

with positive results between February and April)


*until remaining places are available

Limited number of courses

Enrollment in the Pro-Fashion Course 2021/22 is always subject to a prior cognitive interview.



MUDISCH is a company that pays attention to fashion and art (photography, digital art, fashion styling, fashion design, make-up, etc.) created to enable creative expression and collaboration across its online platforms. The mission is to build the best community in the world for all types of artists to share their works, grow, have international visibility and new job opportunities. BFA-Milan also offers its students of the Pro-Fashion Academic Course the opportunity to be part of this prestigious community, through the publication of the best works carried out and the creation of their own personal account upon exclusive invitation.


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