Corso Trucco Televisivo e Cinematografico

Corso di Trucco Televisivo e Cinematografico

A 3-day full immersion course to assimilate specific culture regarding techniques, products and work tools that are indispensable for performing both a functional make-up make-up on television and film, and for modifying the natural appearance of the face, hands or other parts of the body, depending on the physical characteristics of the character the actor plays.
The adaptation of false elements such as wigs, beards, mustaches and how to obtain special basic effects to recreate small wounds, scars, aging, bruises, cuperose, signs of fatigue, illness, extreme weather conditions (exposure, exposure) will be explained and demonstrated. solar etc.).
These changes and alterations find a market for cinema, television and for large productions, for commercials and advertising campaigns, music video shootings and fiction, as well as required in photographic services in general.
 Al termine del Corso viene rilasciato:

Attestato di frequenza e partecipazione al Master
Book Foto dei lavori eseguiti in Accademia. 
Membership Card personale della durata di un anno per accedere a condizioni esclusive e agevolate ai Master di Specializzazione, Corsi e Workshop di BFA Milano, e acquisto di prodotti Make-Up.

Costo per il Master di 3 giornate € 850,00 Iva compresa
Sono inclusi un Book di scatti fotografici professionali e un Kit Prodotti Make-Up per ogni Allievo.
Corso a numero chiuso - Numero Partecipanti: Min 4 / Max 12

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